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  *** Search Filter: "High-School"


Northfield Township Area Schools
There are 34 schools maintained by Ann Arbor Public Schools: 20 elementary schools, 1 K-8 open school, 5 middle schools, 3 comprehensive high schools, 3 alternative high schools, 1 pre-school and 1 adult education program. Our district is a large one, approximately 83 square miles.

Northfield High School
Welcome to Northfield High School Home of the Nighthawks. Mission: Northfield High School engages students in a rich and challenging academic program, empowering them to discover their own strengths and pursue areas of personal interest. Our teachers will inspire students to become enthusiastic lifelong learners, creative problem solvers and ...

Best High Schools in Michigan - US News
We reviewed nearly 25,000 U.S. public high schools; 673 Michigan schools made our rankings. Michigan high school students must complete the three-part Michigan Merit Exam in 11th grade.

Manchester Community Schools
The Manchester Community School District is in Southwestern Washtenaw County, approximately 20 miles southwest of Ann Arbor. The school district enjoys a high level of involvement and support from parents and citizens.

Home - Williamston Community Schools
Williamston High School was named to the U.S. News and World Report Best U.S. High Schools list for the sixth consecutive year. Additionally, the school qualified for the College Board's Advanced Placement Honor Roll for the second straight year, and sixth time overall.

Northview High School - Northview Public Schools
Northview High School prides itself on being a highly-regarded, comprehensive high school affording a wealth of academic and co-curricular opportunities for students in grades 9-12 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The top 10 high schools in Michigan, according to US News
According to US news, the top high school in the entire state is in the Detroit area – specifically in Bloomfield Hills. International Academy in Bloomfield Hills was named the number one school...

Northfield High School - Northfield Public Schools
Northfield High School, situated on a 52-acre campus just south of downtown Northfield, is a public school serving approximately 1,250 students in grades 9–12. The staff of more than 135 is led by Principal Shane Baier alongside Assistant Principals Rico Bohren and Becca Bang.

TROY HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELING 4777 Northfield Parkway Troy, MI 48098 248.823.2715

What are the different levels of high school? A guide for parents
Learn about the four levels of high school in the United States — freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years — and what each stage entails for students.

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