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Umpire-Empire is the leading discussion forum for baseball umpires of all levels. Come join the discussion!

2025 and 2026 Baseball Umpire Manual - High School - Umpire-Empire
mask, outside protector, put feet right behind catchers feet and wear base shoes, cheap shin guards, and hold your hand over the tallywhacker area just like those new guys at umpire schools are shown doing, since u are working directly over and behind catcher, and or, go behind mound and guess on line calls. just wear basketball officiating ...

Ask the Umpire - Umpire-Empire
No registration necessary, ask your baseball rules question here to be answered by experienced umpires. Please state under what rules the game is being played, if known.

How to properly complete a pivot at 1st base - Umpire Mechanics ...
Also, ball-bag-umpire is kinda being shown the door as it forgets one of the key elements...the runner. This play is one of those examples, as the runner is usually going to slide to the outfield side if there's a play at 2B, which means that U1 is going to be blocked by being outside.

Obstruction - Ask the Umpire - Umpire-Empire
BR misses first base and eventually is obstructed (in a rundown between third and home) as he is attempting to return to third base. The umpire correctly calls time and awards him home plate. Prior to touching home, the BR legally returns and touches first base. What now is his award? (Home or Second). OBR 6.01(h)(1)

+POS is back and Re-launching! - Umpire Equipment - Umpire-Empire
HDPE can also hold a cast shape more effectively. So, as it applies to umpire chest protectors, you'll notice that the All-Star Cobalt CP plates are more shapely, better defined, and look more like MX / BX (cycling) body armor, where body-conforming shapes, and "low profile" (ie. no bulk) is heavily desired.

+POS is back and Re-launching! - Page 2 - Umpire-Empire
Protective equipment currently enters the US duty-free. A proposed 10% blanket tariff on Chinese imports would apply to gear from China, but most protective equipment manufacturing (for umpires) occur

Umpire-Empire Umpire-Empire. Forums. Introductions. Get to know the other members. 5.7k posts. New umpire ...

Manny interference? - Professional - Umpire-Empire
Did you see Manny Machado taking an inside line on his way to second? Going from the dirt and direct to 2nd to running with both feet on the infield grass and getting hit on the shoulder with the throw from the first baseman. Where’s the interference? Should have gotten two outs there.

Gerry Davis or Smitty Pants - Umpire Equipment - Umpire-Empire
There is nothing out there that clearly explains the difference between umpire pants. Looking for a pant that is going to last, and keep me cool, or as cools as possible when wearing gear. How does Smitty, Davis Pro, Davis light weight and Davis V2 match up?

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