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WIDE Synonyms: 150 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for WIDE: broad, thick, expansive, extensive, sweeping, sizable, oversized, spacious; Antonyms of WIDE: narrow, thin, slender, skinny, slim, fine, elongated, close

Wide Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of WIDE is having great extent : vast. How to use wide in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Wide.

WIDE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
WIDE definition: 1. having a larger distance from one side to the other than is usual or expected, especially in…. Learn more.

WIDE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Something that is wide is a large distance from one side to the other. The bed is too wide for this room. If you open something wide, you open it fully. Open your mouth wide.

WIDE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
WIDE meaning: 1. having a larger distance from one side to the other than is usual or expected, especially in…. Learn more.

WIDE Definition & Meaning |
Wide, broad refer to dimensions. They are often interchangeable, but wide especially applies to things of which the length is much greater than the width: a wide road, piece of ribbon. Broad is more emphatic, and applies to things of considerable or great width, breadth, or extent, especially to surfaces extending laterally: a broad valley.

Wide - definition of wide by The Free Dictionary
Something that is wide or broad measures a large distance from one side to the other. You can say that something such as a street or river is wide or broad.

WIDE definition in American English | Collins English Dictionary
Something that is wide is a large distance from one side to the other. The bed is too wide for this room. If you open something wide, you open it fully. Open your mouth wide.

Wide - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
taking in or moving over (or as if over) a wide area; often used in combination wide-screen (motion pictures) projected on a screen with much greater width than height

WIDE | English meaning - Cambridge Essential American
WIDE definition: 1. measuring a long distance or longer than usual from one side to the other: 2. having a distance…. Learn more.

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