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Bye Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BYE is the position of a participant in a tournament who advances to the next round without playing. How to use bye in a sentence.

BYE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BYE definition: 1. goodbye: 2. If someone is given a bye, they are allowed to miss out part of a competition and…. Learn more.

By vs. Bye: What's the Difference? - Grammarly
By vs. Bye: What's the Difference? The words by and bye may sound the same, but they have entirely different meanings and usages. By is generally used as a preposition or adverb, indicating the proximity, means, or agent responsible for an action.

Bye vs. By – What’s the Difference? - Writing Explained
What does bye mean? Bye is short for the word goodbye, which is a way to say farewell. A person who is saying farewell to a woman named Felicia, for instance, might say “Bye, Felicia.” Here are some examples, “Say bye to your grandparents before you get in the car,” Aunt Corinne said her to children from behind a glass of chardonnay.

BYE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Bye and bye-bye are informal ways of saying goodbye. Let's next time say bye at the door. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. It seems that your browser is blocking this video content. To access it, add this site to the exceptions or modify your security settings, then refresh this page. 4. 5.

BYE - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
Master the word "BYE" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource.

BYE - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
Discover everything about the word "BYE" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide.

Bye - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
If you say, "Bye!" you mean "farewell" or "so long." In other words, bye is a shorter way to say, "Goodbye."

bye - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
bye (plural byes) The position of a person or team in a tournament or competition who draws no opponent in a particular round so advances to the next round unopposed, or is awarded points for a win in a league table; also the phantom opponent of such a person or team. Craig's Crew plays the bye next week.

BYE Definition & Meaning |
something subsidiary, secondary, or out of the way. by. goodbye ( def 1 ). bye-election. by the bye, by the way; incidentally: Also by the by. By the bye, how do you spell your name? Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023.

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