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Rule Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
law, rule, regulation, precept, statute, ordinance, canon mean a principle governing action or procedure. law implies imposition by a sovereign authority and the obligation of obedience on the part of all subject to that authority. rule applies to more restricted or specific situations.

RULE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Grammatical rules prescribe how words may be used together. The period of Fascist rule is one people try to forget. We don't want one-party rule - we want rule by the people. Most modern kings and queens rule (their countries) only in a formal way, without real power. She rules her household with an iron hand / fist (= severely).

House of Representatives Committee on Rules
Rules and Resources. Rules of the House of Representatives; Rules and Manuals of the House for Prior Congresses; Rules of the Committees of the House of Representatives; Surveys and Journals of Activities; Additional Volumes; Rules Committee Protocols; 119th Congress Regulations; Constitutional Authority and Single Subject Statements; Rules ...

RULE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
The rules of something such as a language or a science are statements that describe the way that things usually happen in a particular situation. It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify. If something is the rule, it is the normal state of affairs.

Rule - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
A rule is a regulation or direction for doing some particular activity. If you have a "no shoes" rule at your house, it means everyone has to take them off at the door.

Rule Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
As long as you're living under our roof, you'll follow/obey our rules. The college has strict rules for qualifying for financial assistance. Your speech will go well as long as you follow one simple rule: be confident. The first rule of driving is to pay attention. A good rule to follow when traveling is to do as the locals do.

Rules - definition of rules by The Free Dictionary
Define rules. rules synonyms, rules pronunciation, rules translation, English dictionary definition of rules. n. 1. a. Governing power or its possession or use; authority. b. The duration of such power. 2. a. An authoritative, prescribed direction for conduct,...

rule noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
Definition of rule noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. [countable] a statement of what may, must or must not be done in a particular situation or when playing a game. She laid down strict rules for her tenants, including prompt payment of rent. You can't just change the rules to suit yourself.

Rule - Wikipedia
Rule or ruling may refer to: Debate (parliamentary procedure) for rules governing discussion on the merits of a pending question.

Meaning of rule – Learner’s Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
RULE definition: 1. an official instruction about what you must or must not do: 2. control of a country by a…. Learn more.

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